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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

ccc online test 2024

CCC Online Test 20 Questions 

हेलो दोस्तों जो भी साथी CCC परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे हैं

 उनके लिए यह सीरीज बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है 

इसमें कुल 20  प्रश्नों के बारे में बताया गयाहै 

जिससे आप ccc का तैयारी कर सकते है 

और यह परीक्षाओं मे भी मदद करेगा 

जोकि नये सिलैबस पर अधारित है 

Q 1: P2P क्या है
A) Peer to Peer
B) Point to Point
C) Post to Post
D) None
Q 2: PIN का पू्ण रूप क्या है?
A) Permanent Internet Number
B) Personal Identification Number
C) Permanent Identification Number
D) None
Q 3: HTTP मैंTT क्या है
A) Text Transfer
B) Test Transformed
C) Test Transfer
D) None
Q 4: RTGS का पूर्ण रूप क्या है?
A) Real Time Gross Sales
B) Real Time Gross Settlement
C) Right Time Gross Settlement
D) None
Q 5: IFSC Code क्या है?
A) एक अल्फान्यूमेरिक 11 डिजिट का कोड है
B) पहला 4 अल्फाबेट बैंक के लिए और 6 न्यूमेरिक कोर्ट ब्रांच के लिए बीच में एक 0
C) Indian Financial System Code
D) All of above
Q 6: पहला माइक्रो एटीएम आधार बेस्ड किस बैंक ने शुरू किया?
A) Fino Payments Bank
Question 7: What is the minimum bandwidth required for a broadband connection?एक ब्रॉडबैंड कनेक्शन के लिए आवश्यक न्यूनतम बैंडविड्थ क्या है?
A) 128 kbps
B) 256 kbps
C) 512 kbps
D) 1024 kbps
Q 8: Whatsapp ग्रुप में अधिकतम कितने सदस्य हो सकते है
A) 256
B) 255
C) 250
D) No limit
Q 9: Libreoffice Writer डिफॉल्ट फाइल एक्सटेंशन क्या है
A) .odt
B) .ods
C) .odp
D) .docx
Q 10: Libreoffice Writer डिफॉल्ट फाइल एक्सटेंशन क्या है
A) Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
B) Uniform Supplementary Service Data
C) Unified Supplementary Service Data
D) Universal Supplementary Service Data
11. लिब्रे ऑफिस एक एप्लीकेशन सॉफ्टवेयर है
A) true
B) false
12. Solve Max where A1 to A3 range.
a) =max(A1:A3)
b) =max(A1,A3)
c) =max(A1-A3)
d) =max(A1*A3)
13. Find quotient(5,2)
a) 2
b) 3
c) 6
d) 8
14. Facebook account ओपन करने की न्यूनतम उम होनी चाहिए
a) 12
b) 13
c) 14
d) 18
15. olx क्या है
a) e-goverence
b) e-commerce
c) e-mail
d) None
16. कंप्यूटर में है PAN का पूर्ण रूप क्या है
a) Permanent Account Number
b) Personal Area Network
c) Peramanent Area Network
d) None
17. Column को सिलेक्ट करने की शॉर्टकट की क्या है
a) shift +spacebar
b) Ctrl +spacebar
c) shift + +
d) Ctrl + +
18. left click करके सभी स्लाइड पर ले जाने से क्या होता है
a) moving
b) selecting
c) dragging
d) None
19. भीम ऐप द्वारा अधिकतम 1 दिन में कितना अमाउंट ट्रांसफर कर सकते हैं
a) 10000
b) 20000
c) 40000
d) 100000
20. Phone pe क्या है
a) e-wallet
b) nic card
c) Messenger
d) All of above

Report Card

Total Questions Attempted: 0

Correct Answers: 0

Wrong Answers: 0


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Code for insert element in stack python with example

 Stack in Python: How To Implement Python Stack?

Hello friends, 
                this series is very important for those who are preparing for Class 12th CBSE BOARD exam. It describes about stack implementation through which you can prepare for Class 12th CBSE BOARD and it will also help in exams which are based on the new syllabus.

Stack in Python

A stack is a linear structure implemented in LIFO (Last In First Out) manner where insertions and deletions are restricted to occur only at one end - Stack's top. LIFO means element last inserted would be the first one to be deleted.

Thus, we can say that a stack is a list of data that follows these rules :

1. Data can only be removed from the top (pop), i.e., the element at the top of the stack. The removal of element from a stack is technically called POP operation.

2. A new data element can only be added to the top of the stack (push). The insertion of element in a stack is technically called PUSH operation.

Functions with Python Stack

There are a bunch of useful functions in Python that help us deal with a stack efficiently. Let’s take a brief look at these functions –  

len()– This stack method is used for returning the size of the stack. This function can also be used in the definition of isempty() method in a Python stack.
append(n)– This Python function is used for inserting an element into the stack. The element to be pushed is passed in its argument.
pop()– This method, associated with the Python lists, is used for deleting the topmost element from the stack. 
peek()- it display last in first out element
display()-Display all element of stack

 Python Stack Code

# using list
stk = []
# append() function to push
# element in the stack
stk.append('first element')
stk.append('second element')
stk.append('third element')
print('inserted Elements in stack')


Inserting element in stack with help of create function 

#create function for insert element in stack with help of push(append)
def push(stk):
    ele=int(input("Enter the your element:"))
# -----------------main------------------- 
stk = []
while True:
    print("stack operation")
    print("Press 1. for Push(append/add)\n Press 5. for Stop Program ")
    chk=int(input("Enter the your Choice:"))
    if chk==1:
    elif chk==5:
        print("You are")

Implementation of Stack

Code for implement of stack

#create function for insert element in stack with help of push(append)
def push(stk):
    ele=int(input("Enter the your element:"))
#create function for POP element in stack 
def peekelement(stk):
    print("Peek Element is=",stk[-1])
#create function for Display element in stack 
def display(stk):
    for i in range(len(stk)-1,-1,-1):
# -----------------main------------------- 
stk = []
while True:
    print("stack operation")
    print("Press 1. for Push(append/add)\nPress 2. for POP\nPress 3. for PEEK\nPress 4. for DISPLAY\n Press 5. for Stop Program ")
    chk=int(input("Enter the your Choice:"))
    if chk==1:
    elif chk==2:
        if len(stk)==0:
            print("Stack is Underflow...........")
    elif chk==3:
        if len(stk)==0:
            print("Stack is Underflow...........")
    elif chk==4:
        if len(stk)==0:
            print("Stack is Underflow...........")
    elif chk==5:
        print("You are enter wrong number")


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Sunday, September 8, 2024

CCC Online Test

CCC Online Test 10 Questions 

हेलो दोस्तों जो भी साथी CCC परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे हैं

 उनके लिए यह सीरीज बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है 

इसमें कुल 10 से भी अधिक प्रश्नों के बारे में बताया गयाहै 

जिससे आप ccc का तैयारी कर सकते है 

और यह परीक्षाओं मे भी मदद करेगा 

जोकि नये सिलैबस पर अधारित है 

Q 1: P2P क्या है
A) Peer to Peer
B) Point to Point
C) Post to Post
D) None
Q 2: PIN का पू्ण रूप क्या है?
A) Permanent Internet Number
B) Personal Identification Number
C) Permanent Identification Number
D) None
Q 3: HTTP मैंTT क्या है
A) Text Transfer
B) Test Transformed
C) Test Transfer
D) None
Q 4: RTGS का पूर्ण रूप क्या है?
A) Real Time Gross Sales
B) Real Time Gross Settlement
C) Right Time Gross Settlement
D) None
Q 5: IFSC Code क्या है?
A) एक अल्फान्यूमेरिक 11 डिजिट का कोड है
B) पहला 4 अल्फाबेट बैंक के लिए और 6 न्यूमेरिक कोर्ट ब्रांच के लिए बीच में एक 0
C) Indian Financial System Code
D) All of above
Q 6: पहला माइक्रो एटीएम आधार बेस्ड किस बैंक ने शुरू किया?
A) Fino Payments Bank
Question 7: What is the minimum bandwidth required for a broadband connection?एक ब्रॉडबैंड कनेक्शन के लिए आवश्यक न्यूनतम बैंडविड्थ क्या है?
A) 128 kbps
B) 256 kbps
C) 512 kbps
D) 1024 kbps
Q 8: Whatsapp ग्रुप में अधिकतम कितने सदस्य हो सकते है
A) 256
B) 255
C) 250
D) No limit
Q 9: Libreoffice Writer डिफॉल्ट फाइल एक्सटेंशन क्या है
A) .odt
B) .ods
C) .odp
D) .docx
Q 9: Libreoffice Writer डिफॉल्ट फाइल एक्सटेंशन क्या है
A) Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
B) Uniform Supplementary Service Data
C) Unified Supplementary Service Data
D) Universal Supplementary Service Data

Report Card

Total Questions Attempted: 0

Correct Answers: 0

Wrong Answers: 0


Thursday, September 5, 2024

What is stack implementation

 What is stack implementation in data structure

Part 2


stack is a linear data structure which is used to store data in LIFO(last in first out) or FILO(first in last out)

What is a Data Structure?

Read Part 1

A data structure is a logical way of organizing data that makes them efficient to use.

Operations on Data Structures

The basic operations that are performed on data structures are as follows:

1. Insertion. Insertion means addition of a new data element in a data structure.

2. Deletion. Deletion means removal of a data element from a data structure. The data element is searched for before its removal.

3. Searching. Searching involves searching for the specified data element in a data structure

4. Traversal. Traversal of a data structure means processing all the data elements of it, one by one.

5. Sorting. Arranging data elements of a data structure in a specified order is called sorting. 6. Merging. Combining elements of two similar data structures to form a new data structure of same type, is called merging.


Refers to inspecting the value at the stack's top without removing it. It is also sometimes referred as inspection. 


Refers to situation (ERROR) when one tries to push an item in stack that is full. This situation occurs when the size of the stack is fixed and cannot grow further or there is no memory left to accommodate new item.


Refers to situation (ERROR) when one tries to pop/delete an item from an empty stack. That is, stack is currently having no item and still one tries to pop an item.
Concept of 

Concept of Stack:

(1) PUSH- Insertion of Data in the Stack

(2) POP- Deletion of Data from from Stack

(3) PEEK- View Top element /Last inserted element

(4) DISPLAY-To show all data from stack


 For representation of stack we used to LIST

Operation of Stack

(1) POP => If the value not found during deleting 
value  from the stack then it returns Stack Underflow

(2) PUSH 20=> Append 20 value in 0 Index of stack  

(3) PUSH 30=>Append 30 value in 1 Index of stack  

(4) PUSH 40=> Append 40 value in 2 Index of stack  

(5) PUSH 50=> Append 50 value in 3 Index of stack  

(6) POP 50=> Delete  50 value from the 3 Index of stack  

(7) POP 40=> Delete 40 value from the 2 Index of stack  

(8) PUSH 70=> Append 70 value in last in of stack  

(9)PEEK 70=>It displays Last Element of stack  

(10) Display =>It displays All Element of stack in opposite  Order 

Thanks for visiting my blog 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Class 12 Computer Science Chapter 7 Notes

Class 12 Computer Science Chapter 7 Notes 

Part -1

Computer science chapter 7 data structure class 12 

What is data -

Data refers to the factual information used to represent events, objects, or concepts in a manner that can be communicated, stored, and processed by humans or machines

such as:

1. Numbers (e.g., temperatures, ages)
2. Text (e.g., names, descriptions)
3. Images (e.g., photos, diagrams)
4. Audio (e.g., sounds, music)
5. Video (e.g., movies, surveillance footage)

What is data type-

A Data type defines a set of values along with well-defined operations stating its input-output behaviour.

What is data structure-

A Data structure is a physical implementation that clearly defines a way of storing, accessing, manipulating data stored in a data structure. The data stored in a data structure has a specific work pattern.

The data structures can be classified into two types:

1. Simple Data Structures: These data structures are normally built from primitive data types like integers, reals, characters, boolean. Following data structures can be termed as simple data structures:

Such as:
Array or Linear Lists

2. Compound Data Structures. Simple data structures can be combined in various ways to form more complex structures called compound data structures. 

Compound data structures are classified into following two types:

(i)Linear data structures: These data structures are single level data structures. A data structure is said to be linear if its elements form a sequence.
linear data structures  are : (a) Stack (b) Queue (c) Linked List

(ii)Non-Linear data structures. These are multilevel data structures. 

Example of non-linear data structure is Tree.

Linear Lists Arrays

Linear Lists or Arrays refer to a named list of a finite number n of similar data elements. Each of the data elements can be referenced respectively usually 0, 1, 2 by a set of consecutive numbers, , 3,...n. If the name of a linear list of 10 elements is LIL, then its elements will be

referenced as shown: LIL [0], LIL[1], LIL[2], LIL[3], ..........LIL[9]


Stacks data structures refer to the lists stored and accessed in a special way, where LIFO (Last In First Out) technique is followed. In Stacks, insertions and deletions take place only at one end, called the top.


Queues data structures are FIFO (First In First Out) lists, where insertions take place at the "rear" end of the queues and deletions take place at the "front" end of the queues.

 Linked Lists

Linked lists are special lists of some data elements linked to one another. The logical ordering is represented by having each element pointing to the next element.


Trees are multilevel data structures having a hierarchical relationship among its elements called nodes. Topmost node is called the root of the tree and bottommost nodes are called leaves of the tree.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

what is keyword of exception in python in class 12

 he exception keyword in Python

What is keyword of exception in python in class 12

Exception have four Keyword 

i) try:
ii) except:
iii) else:
iv) finally:

try block:

try block is the block that contains the code of segment that might contain exception 


When exception is found in try block. the code inside exception block is executed handle exception .one try block can have many except block 

Program 1:

    print("an exception occured")


an exception occured

Program 2:

except NameError:
    print("Variable Not found")
except ZeroDivisionError:
    print("Divide By Zero Error")
    print("Some Error Happend.............")

Divide By Zero Error

else block:

if no error found in try block then else block is executed

finally block:

it is a block in which it dose not matter whether the try block error or not


Program 3:

    print("Hello we are learning exception ")
    print("Some Error found")
    print("No Error Found")
    print("Hello Friend it is my Final Program.............")


Hello we are learning exception 
No Error Found
Hello Friend it is my Final Program.............

Program 4:

    print("file open successfully")
    print("The file does not exit......")

raise Exception:

it is used to create user defined exception 

Program 5:

if x<0:
    raise Exception("The Number is less than Zero")


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/Ajay Patel/Desktop/allprogram.py", line 4, in <module>
    raise Exception("The Number is less than Zero")
Exception: The Number is less than Zero

Program 6:

if not type(x) is int:
    raise Exception("Only Integer Allowed")


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/Ajay Patel/Desktop/allprogram.py", line 3, in <module>
    raise Exception("Only Integer Allowed")
Exception: Only Integer Allowed

Saturday, August 24, 2024

what is built in exception in exception handling in Python? class 12th

 What is built-in exception handling?

What is built in exception in exception handling in python class 12th

Built-in exceptions are predefined exceptions that are already defined in a programming language's standard library. They are automatically available for use by developers and are typically used to handle common error conditions.

built in exception are-

1)Name Error: Raised when trying to access a variable that has not been defined.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
Name Error: name 'a' is not defined

2)Zero Division Error: Raised when trying to divide by zero.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>
Zero Division Error: division by zero

3)TypeError: Raised when a variable is not of the expected type.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'

4)IndexError: Raised when trying to access an index that is out of range.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range

5)ValueError: Raised when a function receives an argument with an incorrect value.
a=int(input("Enter the number"))
Enter the numberram
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#6>", line 1, in <module>
    a=int(input("Enter the number"))
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'ram'

6)ModuleNotFoundError: Raised when a module is not found
import math
import w3ajay
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#8>", line 1, in <module>
    import w3ajay
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'w3ajay'

7)KeyboardInterrupt: Raised when the user presses Ctrl+C.
a=int(input("Enter the number"))
Enter the number
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#9>", line 1, in <module>
    a=int(input("Enter the number"))