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Thursday, March 10, 2022

sum formula in excel

 यदि आपको किसी column  या row of numbers का योग करना है, तो Excel को आपके लिए  Calculator करें । आप जिन नंबरों का योग करना चाहते हैं, उनके बगल में एक सेल का चयन करें होम टैब पर ऑटोसम पर क्लिक करें, एंटर दबाएं, और आपका काम हो गया। 

जब आप AutoSum पर क्लिक करते हैं, तो एक्सेल स्वचालित रूप से संख्याओं के योग के लिए एक सूत्र (जो SUM फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करता है) में प्रवेश करता है।

यहाँ एक उदाहरण है। इस मनोरंजन बजट में जनवरी के अंक जोड़ने के लिए, संख्याओं के कॉलम के ठीक नीचे सेल B7, सेल का चयन करें। फिर ऑटोसम पर क्लिक करें। सेल B7 में एक सूत्र दिखाई देता है, और Excel आपके द्वारा कुल किए जा रहे सेल को हाइलाइट करता है।

सेल B7 में परिणाम (35.25) प्रदर्शित करने के लिए एंटर दबाएं। आप एक्सेल विंडो के शीर्ष पर फॉर्मूला बार में फॉर्मूला भी देख सकते हैं।

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

What is worksheet of Excel

 Worksheets in Excel

एक्सेल के साथ काम करते समय, अक्सर आपको वर्कशीट, रो, कॉलम और सेल्स शब्द मिलते हैं। इस पाठ में हम इन शब्दों को उनके मूल सिद्धांतों और उनमें किए गए ऑपरेशन (create, copy, paste, delete, आदि) के साथ संक्षेप में समझेंगे।


वर्कशीट एक single page है जिसमें cells का collection होता है जहां उपयोगकर्ता डेटा को स्टोर, अपडेट और manipulate कर सकता है। वर्कशीट को स्प्रेडशीट भी कहा जाता है। यह rows, columns  और  cells से बना होता है।

एक्सेल में, वर्कशीट में अलग-अलग डेटा सेल को vertical column और horizontal row की सहायता से परिभाषित और व्यवस्थित किया जाता है, जो ए 1, बी 25, या आर 867 के विपरीत सेल संदर्भ बनाने के लिए संयुक्त होते हैं।

  • Number of Rows per Worksheet: 1,048,576
  • Number of Rows per Worksheet: 16,384
  • Total cells per Worksheet: 17,179,869,184

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

What is high quality backlinks?

What is the best free logo maker?

Xoom Free Logo Maker Online

A simple tool for create stylish logo & favicon online


Font Colour:  Background Colour:

Formatted Code:



Online Source Code Formatter For Blogger

Source code is a computer language that is used to create a program. The source code written in a programming language is converted into machine readable instructions by a compiler or interpreter. Source code written in one programming language can be converted to another programming language so it can be run on another system. Source code is made up of lines of text that are written in a formal computer language, and it must follow strict rules and conventions.

When you write a blog post and hit “publish,” your words don’t just magically show up on the internet. Behind the scenes, there is a process called “posting” that takes place to accomplish this. Behind every blog is source code that tells the computer exactly what to do with your words and how to format them.

A source code, also called a source file, is a file containing a list of computer instructions that can be used to create a computer program. The term is commonly used in the context of a physical "source code" being provided to a compiler or interpreter in order to create an executable program. In this process, the source code is often converted from a human-readable form to a binary form for easier and faster execution.

Source code is the first step of the programming process. It is the first draft of a program that is written in a human-readable language called “pseudocode.” This pseudocode is then converted into computer code, which can be read by machines, by using a compiler or interpreter.

In the world of programming, code formatter tools are a lifesaver. These tools allow you to format your code for readability and cleanliness purposes. While some code editors have built-in formatter features, sometimes you need a more advanced tool that can format your code automatically. In this article, we’ll show you how to use a free online formatter tool called Source Code Formatter to make your code look clean and neat.

This is a web-based formatter for source code that can be used to format your own source code for use in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It can even be used to reformat code from pastes from other sites. This tool is free and easy to use.

By default, your blog posts are formatted in a simple paragraph style. However, if you’re familiar with HTML, you can use source code formatting to create different styles for your blog posts. This is done by enclosing the text you wish to format in “pre” tags.

To make your blog readable and easier to navigate, it is important to use proper formatting. If you want to make your source code easier for others to understand and edit, it is necessary to properly format the code. An online source code formatter can help you do this. A tool like this can save you time and effort that would otherwise be spent manually formatting the code.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

How does Affiliate Marketing work?

 How does Affiliate Marketing work?

It is very important to know the answer of this question to those people who are connected with the online field. If they also want to start their affiliate then it is very important for them to know how Affiliate Marketing works.

If a product based company or organization wants to increase the sale of their products, then for this they have to promote their products. Especially that is why they have to start their affiliate program.

The business of Affiliate Marketing is commission based. When any other person that a blogger or website owner joins that program, then the company or organization starting this program provides him with a banner or link etc. to promote his products on his blog or website. After this That blogger has to put that link or banner on his blog or website in different ways.

Since the site of that blogger or website owner receives many visitors daily, it is possible that some of them visitor clicks on the offer shown, then he reaches the websites of product based companies and buys something or any service. If he signs up, then in return that company or organization gives commission to that blogger in return.

Some important definitions related to affiliate marketing

Some such terms are used in this marketing, about which it is very important for all of us to know. So let's get information about some such definitions.

1. Affiliates:

Affiliates are called those people who, by joining an affiliate program, promote their products on their sources such as blog or website. This can be any person.

2. Affiliate Marketplace:

There are some companies that offer Affiliate Programs in different categories, they are called Affiliate Marketplace.

3. Affiliate ID:

This is a unique ID that is obtained upon signing up. Each Affiliate is given a unique ID through Affiliate Programs, which helps in collecting information in sales. With the help of this ID, you can login to your Affiliate account.

4. Affiliate link:

This is called the link that is provided to affiliates for promoting the product. By clicking these links, visitors reach a product website, where they can buy a product. Through these links only those running the Affiliate program track the sales.

5. Commission:

After a successful sale, the amount that the blogger or the one who sells (affiliate) is called commission. This amount is provided to the Affiliate according to each sale. It can be some percentage of the sale or any amount already fixed like already mentioned in terms and condition.

6. Link Clocking:

Often Affiliate links look long and a bit strange in appearance, for this such links are shortened by using URL shorteners, which is called Link Clocking.

7. Affiliate Manager:

In some Affiliate programs, some people are appointed to help Affiliates and to give them the right tips, they are called Affiliate Managers.

8. Payment Mode:

The way to get payment is called Payment Mode. This means that the medium through which you will be given your commission. Different affiliates offer different modes. Such as check, wire transfer, PayPal etc.

9. Payment Threshold:

In affiliate marketing, some commission is provided to affiliates when they make some minimum sales. Only after doing this sale you will be able to earn payment. This is called the payment threshold. The amount of the payment threshold of different programs is different.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Affiliate Marketing in 2022

What is Affiliate Marketing and how to earn money from it?

There will be many doubts in your mind regarding what is Affiliate Marketing, how it works and how to earn money from it. In today's topic, we will talk about that. Today's era is the era of computer, internet and online shopping / marketing.

What is Affiliate Marketing ?

Affiliate marketing is a way through which a blogger earns commission by selling a company's product through his website. The commission that is received depends on the type of product, such as more on fashion and lifestyle categories and less on electronics products.

When to put affiliate marketing ad on your website or blog

To promote any kind of products through your website, it is very important to have more traffic in your website or blog, at least 5000 visitors per day. If your website is new and it is getting less visitors, then you will not get much profit by advertising the products on your website.

That is why it would be better that you put affiliate products in your blog only when your blog will start getting more visitors.

How does Affiliate Marketing work?

It is very important to know the answer of this question to those people who are associated with the online field. If they also want to start their affiliate then it is very important for them to know how Affiliate Marketing works.

If a product based company or organization wants to increase the sale of their products, then for this they have to promote their products. Especially that is why they have to start their affiliate program.

The business of Affiliate Marketing is commission based. When any other person that a blogger or website owner joins that program, then the company or organization starting this program provides him with a banner or link etc. to promote his products on his blog or website. After this That blogger has to put that link or banner on his blog or website in different ways.

Since the site of that blogger or website owner receives many visitors daily, it is possible that some of them visitor clicks on the offer shown, then he reaches the websites of product based companies and buys something or any service. If he signs up, then in return that company or organization gives commission to that blogger in return.